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ABOUT THIS SITEWelcome to FiqhOnline.Com! A resource where you can learn the fiqh (understanding) of the prescribed acts of worship and rulings of Islaam upon the Book, the Sunnah, the Aathar (of the Companions) and the heritage of the Imaams of Fiqh and Sunnah, such as Imaam's Abu Hanifah, Malik, al-Shafi'ee and Ahmad.
LATEST ARTICLESThe Ruling on Speaking During the Prayer Deliberately, Out of Ignorance, Forgetfully or Out of a Spontaneous Reaction
Ibn Taymiyyah said (Majmu' al-Fatawa 12/93): It has been established by both textual evidence and consensus that the one who spoke with the speech of men, deliberately, beneficial interest of the prayer, knowing of its unlawfulness, his prayer becomes invalid. And in the Majmu Fatawa (6/47) ... Read more »
Simple Summarized Fiqh: Part 5 - An Overview of Purification (The Definition)
Purification is the first of the affairs studied in fiqh because it is the key to the prayer, which is the greatest obligation after the first pillar. So since purification affects the performance of this obligation (and some other forms of worship), it is a must to know its rulings. Connected ... Read more »
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Simple Summarized Fiqh: Part 4d - The Four Imaams: Ahmad bin Hanbal (d. 241H)
The four imaams offered a great service in the field of fiqh and their heritage is great value to the ummah. The fourth of them: Imaam Ahmad bin Hanbal He is Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hanbal al-Shaybaaanee from the tribe of Rabee'ah al-Adnaaniyyah. He was born in 164H and died in 241H. From this ... Read more »
Simple Summarized Fiqh: Part 4c - The Four Imaams: Muhammad Bin Idrees Al-Shaafi'ee (d. 204H)
The four imaams offered a great service in the field of fiqh and their heritage is great value to the ummah. The third of them: Imaam al-Shaafi'ee He is Muhammad bin Idrees al-Shaafi'ee, from the Quraysh, he was born in Ghaza in 150H and died in 204H. From his most well-known teachers: ... Read more »
Simple Summarized Fiqh: Part 4b - The Four Imaams: Malik Bin Anas (d. 179H)
The four imaams offered a great service in the field of fiqh and their heritage is great value to the ummah. The second of them: Imaam Maalik bin Anas He is Maalik bin Anas bin Maalik al-Asbahee. He was born in Madinah in 93H and died in 179H. From his most well-known teachers: Abd al-Rahmaan ... Read more »
Simple Summarized Fiqh: Part 4a - The Four Imaams: Abu Hanifah (d. 150H)
The four imaams offered a great service in the field of fiqh and their heritage is great value to the ummah. The earliest of them: Imaam Abu Haneefah He is al-Nu'maan bin Thaabit bin Zootaa, he is of Persian-Turkish origin and was born in 80H and died in 150H. From his most well-known teachhers: ... Read more »
Simple Summarized Fiqh: Part 3 - The Shariah Evidences Used in Fiqh
The Shari'ah evidences can be look at in two ways: General broad (إجمالية) and detailed specific (تفصيلية). When we say, 'detailed, specific' this simply refers to the specific evidence for a given specific issue. ... Read more »
Online.compupay.comOnlineSimple Summarized Fiqh: Part 2 - Types of Islamic Rulings (تكليفي) and (وضعي)
When we look at the practical legislative rulings, we look at them from two angles. The first is (تكليفي) which is what requires a servant to perform or abandon an action or to choose between two actions. These are the Shari'ah commands which come from Allaah, ... Read more »
Simple Summarized Fiqh: Part 1 - Fiqh, Its Meaning, Types and History
The word fiqh linguistically means understanding (fahm). In technical usage it means knowledge of the practical legislative rulings derived from their detailed evidences. Its types: The scholars divide fiqh into seven types and they are: al-ibaadaat (worship), those rulings connected to worshipping ... Read more »
Al-Qawa'id Al-Fiqhiyyah of Al-Sa'dee - Part 5: The Commands in the Book and the Sunnah
Chapter Five: The Rule Concerning the Commands in the Book and the Sunnah الأصل في أوامر الكتاب والسنة : أنها للوجوب ... Read more »
Al-Qawa'id Al-Fiqhiyyah of Al-Sa'dee - Part 4: Concerning the Book and the Sunnah
Chapter Four: Concerning the Book and the Sunnah فصل في الكتاب والسنة : أما الكتاب : فهو هذا القرآن ... Read more »
Al-Qawa'id Al-Fiqhiyyah of Al-Sa'dee - Part 3: Fiqh Extends Out of Four Sources (Evidences)
The Evidences From Which Fiqh Extends Out Of Are Four The adillah (evidences) that fiqh is derived from are four:- The Book and the Sunnah, and these two are the foundation by which the mukallafoon (the legally responsible) are addressed , and upon which is built their religion. Then ijmaa' (consensus) ... Read more »
Al-Qawa'id Al-Fiqhiyyah of Al-Sa'dee - Part 2: The Sharee'ah Rulings (Are Five)
Chapter: The Ahkaam (Rulings) Upon Which Fiqh Revolve فصل: الأحكام التي يدور عليها الفقه خمسة : الواجب ... Read more »
Al-Qawa'id Al-Fiqhiyyah of Al-Sa'dee - Part 1: Definition of Usool Ul-Fiqh and Its Benefit
Introduction بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله ، نحمده على ما له ... Read more »